Thought I would take some photos and share with friends/family our raised bed garden. Seedlings, waiting to go into the ground as we get the beds completed. We got the seeds from Territorial Seed in Cottage Grove. (more…)
Archive | Ranch Life

Storm Clouds
I love discovering photos left on my Pentax K10 Camera. Here’s one I took in late December of last year, after wandering around under some worrisome storm clouds. (more…)
Cold walks and an ice garden
The walks I am taking in the morning now require that I bundle up to stay warm. It was 18 degrees (F) when I went out a couple of days ago. It requires long johns and insulated pants and shoes and gloves and hat, and even with all that it is a struggle to keep […]
Fall colors
This maple tree clings to the top of a large rock on the side of its hill. I see it every morning when I walk out Charlie Rock Road, and it is currently bright yellow with its fall foliage. Click to see larger image.
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from the Chandler Ranch.
Walking through fog
Fog through Madrone
Walking every day
Fall on the Chandler Ranch can be spectacular
Happy to be Alive
having survived a near brush with death, and been given another chance at life, I am happy to be alive
Solar Power Plus Radio Equals Rural Internet Connection
Our Solar-Powered Radio Internet Connection On June 28, 2011, my internet service provider (ISP) went out of business. One minute I was surfing the web at about 1.5 Mbps (megabits per second – a fairly fast internet speed — at least it was fast enough to get work done online) and the next minute they […]
South Fork Coquille River
The South Fork of the Coquille River, about 5 miles south of Powers along County Road 219 (which turns into National Forest Development Road 33), cuts a beautiful channel through the hills. There are lots of waterfalls including this one, Elk Creek Falls, which is about 50 yards from the road. (more…)