L.D. Sledge, a writer and ex-lawyer from Louisiana, sends out a regular rant. via email. I don’t have time to read all of it every time, but he often has something profound to say. His coverage of the Volunteer Ministers working in his parish after Hurricane Katrina was one of the main ways I had […]
Archive | Scientology
Tom Cruise sites
“Been meaning to post these sites…”
NY Detox Center
” [I] let go of the nightmarish images that have haunted me …”
CBS TV Sacramento
“They apparently never got the memo about bloating every story with invented controversy.”
Abstract Art Defined
“Don’t stand under the architecture….”
Maryland Education
The Maryland school board has bypassed local school boards in Baltimore and will be operating four high schools directly, according to an article in today’s NY Times. Invoking the federal No Child Left Behind law, the Maryland school board voted today to take control of four Baltimore high schools with chronically low achievement and strip […]
SAGE club
New video on the uses of the “Set A Good Example” Club